Monday, September 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

wow! time gets away from you when things are growing...

I turned around and it's been nearly a month since I've written.
So much has happened.

Bugs are things of wonder. It doesn't matter how much I think I can identify or predict their movements, they always get the better of me. Flea beetles have come en masse, leaving some markings on nearly everything. First it looks like your plants are slightly discolored, then you flip them over and they're full of little black holes. And the beetles are there and they're jumping and eating and causing chaos! But, healthy plants survive the attacks, and Villere is full of strong vigorous plants. It's a thing of beauty.

We've planted all 19 rows over the past month, now able to harvest little Okras and cherry tomatoes. The vigorous eggplant that I had nearly given up on, is full and receiving this Louisiana sun with grace.
Our Zucchini is 5 inches long and the plants are FULL of flowers and small fruit.

Our shed is growing a roof! And Kaitlin and I are experimenting with trellising goose peas.

Watch for photos for visual updates.

The Lower Ninth Ward Urban Farming Coalition is growing by leaps and bounds. Our projects are moving and becoming stronger, reinforced by the passion of those who grow just because they always have. These are the neighbors of our projects, like Mr. Arthur, who has two lovely chickens, three tomatoes, two peppers and a cucumber plant. And that's, as he says, "...all I need".

More and more people are becoming interested in the power and experiment of growing.
You have this plant and you have to fight to make it live.
Much of the work, though, the plant does alone.
The sun comes out everyday and the rain comes now and again.
You protect it from its enemies and feed it now and again.

What does it mean to the big picture? Well, sometimes these victories are hard to see and many fancy words have been given to the simple fact that if we can take care of these plants, they will take care of us. In so many ways.

Just a thought, photos coming soon!


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